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Scope of Work

●Design the edge monitoring system reference architecture, define key interface standards, study key technologies, and provides competitive overall solutions.

●Provide test beds to different industries for expanding video surveillance application fields.

●Promote test beds in commercial projects for promoting the implementation of edge monitoring solutions.


Zhu Xing, Chief CloudBU Industry Development Planning Expert at Huawei

Vice Chair

Zhang Yu, CTO of Intel Corporation's IoT Service Department in China

Cui Shiyong, Business Development Director of iSoftStone


Zheng Qiang, Business Development Director of Vion Technology

Jin Heng, Researcher at Dahua's Central Research Institute

He Enxin, Sales Director of Ice Tech

Guo Shaohua, R&D Director of the Smart Monitoring Business Department at iSoftStone

Li Chaoyang, Video Intelligence Server Architect at Huawei

Wu Peng, Solution Manager of the CloudBU CTO Office at Huawei

To promote in-depth industry coordination, accelerate innovation, and boost the application of edge computing, six industry entities have joined together to establish the ECC. The ECC is dedicated to advancing cooperation among industry resources from government, vendor, academic, research, and customer sectors, and pushing forward the sustainable development of the edge computing industry.
Contact us
Unit 1416, No.5 Huihuang International Center, Shangdishijie, Haidian Distrit, Beijing 100085 P.R.China
+86 10 – 57116299